Thursday, September 4, 2008

Useless ramblings.

This post is the prime example of why Steve has so perfectly titled this blog *useless ramblings of an un-well mind*.  Yes, my mind is not well, and boy oh boy do I ramble.  Lets see if some of these scary thoughts can come together and make some sense.  Let me forewarn you.  This post may offend you, in fact it probably will.  So, let me help by apologizing for myself upfront and posting some disclaimers.

*  I love my kids and if they ever got kidnapped I would DIE!
*  I am not a racist, I love Mexicans... Hate Mexicant's.
    Steve's infamous saying at work, "Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T?" 
 Isn't that motivating?

Let's start with what's in the news.

1) Angry friend burns down her pals house to try to kill her after an alleged argument. 

Dear friends,

I love you all.  Even though I do and say stupid things, I probably don't mean it.  Please try to refrain from burning down my house, or for trying to kill me for that matter.  I prefer communication like a phone call, email, or even a postcard.  If you must, slap me or something please feel free.  

Stayin' alive,

2)  Man kidnaps children - amber alert issued 3 days later.

So after the Mother's three days of napping, shopping, getting her hair and nails done, eating in peace and quiet, enjoying her clean house that has actually stayed clean, sleeping through the night, wearing clothes that start out clean and end up clean, running around naked, and having some peace and quiet, she decided to look for her kids and their Father.

What kind of Mother waits for three days, I mean really.  That is just sick.  Wrong.  
                  That sounds like me.

What would I do if Steve stole my kids for three days?  See above.  

3)  Palin (female) is the candidate for Vice President (sure Steve she would make a sexy VP, if that's what floats your boat)... and her teenage daughter is pregnant (Oh MY).

Is teenage pregnancy a new thing?  I know that 50 years ago it was kind of a big deal, but let's face it, every teenager is pregnant these days.  Does having a pregnant daughter make you a bad Politician?  I think that what makes you a bad Politician is getting a teenager pregnant, and that is probably just as common.  Since when is teenage pregnancy a shocking thing?  Just today I found out that my teenage Sister-In-Law is pregnant.  Was I shocked?  No... well only because they weren't having sex, but other than that no big shock.  What was more shocking is the fact that they were living in the same casa (house in Spanish) sharing a room and not having sex (hmmmm).  Now that is shocking.  What was even more shocking is that this Mexican't (he isn't a Mexican-American, he just looks like one and acts like one, so I call him that.  He is really just white trash!) was able to produce spawn.  **Double disclaimer- I love those hard working Mexican Americans that don't mooch off us American Americans.  My loving husband is kind of a leader of the Mexicans at work (go babe) so how could I NOT love these people!

Anyways before I am disowned from the Johns family, I will change the subject (Watch out Ellis family, I may be shaming your name again soon if I don't stop now!). (No, I will not attack the Ellis family, I just may have to use your name again, no worries!)

Moving on.  Actually, that is all.  Let me just end with this.  Seriously I am only prejudice against white people, so forgive my joking.


Mama Snow said...

Geese Brandi, I hope I don't ever get you on my bad list........! I don't think I could ever burn your house down, especially if I knew you were in it, so don't woory. Your blog entries are the highlight of my week, what would I do without them?

Anonymous said...

hahaha... Way to say things like they are! But, wait... Is it really her fault?? I thought that the media was to blame for teenage pregnancy with Juno and Jamie Lynn and all... JK:)
And, I hope by Ellis family you are referring to your immediate family only!

dennisandsong said...

Brandi, Brandi!!! Stir that pot! I don't think you will be disowned, we all know it will take a lot more than an innocent blog for that. Just imagine the Johns' family list of disownable acts. . .
I think we are all safe at this point!!

Walter Family said...

I love how you aren't afraid to say what most people are probably thinking! I love Mexican and Mexican't, that's funny but a good way to put it!

The Gorringes said...

Brandi you crack me up!! Thanks for the great laugh this morning. I think I burned at least 300 calories reading it. I can't imagine how many you did. I love the Mexicans too! Viva la Mexico!!

Mandy said...

I just down right love you. You make me laugh and I love your ramblings. I'll be sure to slap you instead of burn your house down. I'm sure Steve could come up with some naughty connotation to the whole slapping thing and I'm sure he's plotting how we can start our fight so he can enjoy it.
Am I right? or am I right?