Sunday, June 22, 2008

The gift.

When is a gift... Not really a gift?

~When it comes home in a can with a Dad begging, "Can we keep them... PLEASE?"

~When they are alive, and the can they are in requires a lid?

~When your kids are more excited than on Christmas morning?

~Or when you find out that THEY ARE FROGS!!!???!!!

I wish that I was kidding, really I do.  I am a no pet person, and with good reason.  Our last pet, Max, a hyper-active Jack Russell Terrier that loved to punish me, is no longer our pet after he decided to use my favorite pair of shoes as his toilet!  I think that if you looked in the dictionary under pet you would read: An un-necessary annoyance!

A dog is one thing, but frogs...come on!  Why?  However being the BEST MOM IN THE WORLD that I am (or at least was that day) I gave in.  I did however think (hope! pray!) that they would die quickly before things got too out of hand and we really had to keep them.  The next morning it was reported that they were still living and that they needed a home and food.  Now if there is one thing I hate worse than pets, it is actually spending money on pets.  But again, I caved and said that we could go to the pet store later if they were still alive.  Later came, and they were still alive.  We went to the pet store and the salesman who wanted me to buy $12 dirt looked at our two living frogs and and got us all set up.  $60 later we came home with all of our necessary items, including live crickets, and our ONE living frog!?!

They tell me that Steve will find them two more frogs at work tomorrow... I can't wait!


Allison said...

A frog for a pet. Yuck! Well, a least it won't pee on your carpet or chew up your carpet like a puppy. Good luck.