Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lemonade Stand

Makenna loves to sell stuff.  She has always loved to sell lemonade, but hadn't really made a killing from it like she did this time.  Let me just say that people that live around here are so nice.  I couldn't believe how great everyone was.  Kenna and her friend set up a little stand with a sign that read:           

                               Lemonade hear- 50 cents only!!!!  Ice-cream to!

We didn't really have ice-cream to sell, but hey, whatever attracts customers, right?  I warned her that she probably wouldn't sell anything, so not to feel bad.  About 10 seconds later I look out the window and someone was buying some!  I about fell over.  It was a steady stream from there.  She even had people just stop and give her money and not buy a drink.  Someone flipped a quarter at them (probably some nasty teenager) and she thought it was so COOL!  People are SO nice, and she made $10!  Not bad for 1 hour and a picture of lemonade.

We decided that next time we will go and buy cans of soda pop to sell, I think that people would prefer that.  I am so proud of her.  If she keeps up like this she is going to be rich.

Dear Kenna (our favorite daughter!)

Money for the poor?

Mom and Dad


Clint and Shari said...

Makenna~My kids loved your special lemonade. They keep asking me to make them some. I always tell them "Only Makenna knows how to make it". Tanner keeps begging me to let him sell some Popsicles. Maybe a little friendly competition would be good. JK Good luck in making tons this summer!