Tuesday, June 10, 2008


It is so crazy how we as people adapt to change.  Changes happen throughout our lives that at the time seem so different and unreal, but with time they become our new normal, and the past becomes so far away, and who we once were is just that... who we once were.  As we look back on the things that we have done in life, or things that have been done to change us, we wonder if that was really ME and remember the path that we have traveled to get to where we are today.

I now live in a city that until a few years ago I had never really even heard of.  I grew up in Centerville Utah, the place that was my home for about 20 years, and it was all I knew.  I was Brandi Ellis (who is that?) the name that was mine for so long that now sounds familiar, but would I answer to that name if I heard it on the street?  I have adapted myself to the city of Riverton, and the name of Brandi Johns, and to the husband and three kids that I cannot remember life without.

In my 30 years, I have done many things, I have known many people, and I have changed ME time and time again into the person that I now am, living the life that is all I know... for now.  While I have not forgotten the things of the past, the I cannot help but wonder what the future holds and how yesterday and today will effect tomorrow.  If only we knew what the future holds I wonder what we would do differently, I wonder who that ME would be.  There is still so much that I will do and experience in my life, I am very interested to see what ME looks like in 30 years. I am hoping for the best :)!