Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bat to the face!

Of all of the kids... Carson was a sad one to have this happen to.  He does NOT like pain.  This, was severe pain.  While playing baseball, Carson was hit in the face by a metal bat, coming his way at full force.  It was an accident, but still, so so so SAD!  The picture makes it look a lot better than it actually looked.  I guess that pictures do not show swelling.  His face was HUGE.  It freaked me out when I saw it.  It looked like an egg just bulging from his sore little face.

Now, the swelling is gone, and left behind are a scab, some bruising, and a black eye.

I am glad that there wasn't anything broken, and that the bat hit where it did, because it could have been a lot worse!


Tanya said...

Poor kid! Just looking at those pictures makes me hurt.

Anonymous said...

One time, a long time ago, my brother hit another kid in the head with a metal bat. It split his forehead open and required something like 30 stitches. (Yes, it was an accident). Your son was lucky it wasn't any worse.

Jeremy Votaw

Mandy said...

Oh my gosh! That looks painful!