Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fashion Icons!

I know that you remember those ladies who would come home from church and go out for a walk.  They would wear those HIDEOUS denim dresses, you know the ones that were calf length and were like a jumper.  I always remember them having some denim ruffles up top.  Remember?  Then to make matters worse they would put on their tennis shoes and socks and stroll around.  I always thought that it looked so weird, almost like they were some strange pioneers.  I was embarrassed for them, and I knew that I would never look like them.  I mean really who wears tennis shoes with a dress?  NOT ME!  Oh wait... here I am in my dress and tennis shoes.  I didn't realize how I looked until I saw the picture.  I will never do that again!  What a sight!  Dress, tennies, and a zip line.  Lookin good!

Where to start with this one?  First... he came up with this on his own, I swear!  Orange swim shorts with a matching red shirt.  One pumpkin sock (in his defense October is just 4 months away) and one of Makenna's socks.  He also brought along the stylish pink cooler stashed with all of his treats.

Don't miss the drink on bottom of the bike.  We had to buy that special and install it on his bike for him because HAD to have a drink holder on his bike.   The important thing is that HE thinks he looks good! 

Then their is Carson.  He just got a new helmet because I ran over the other one with my car!  Good thing it was just his helmet...

The helmet however, pulls his hair.  I am not sure how, but he is very serious about it and doesn't want to wear it.

So, I told him that I could line it with something to protect his hair.  He thought that was a great idea.  So one paper towel later, he was in good shape with his hair not pulling, and ready for a fashion show.

Now the worst part about this is that these pictures were taken at the same time, so yes, we all went out looking this way.  And on the way home, Carson lost control on his bike and I had to chase him down the road.  I am sure my neighbors got a good laugh, "Hey honey, look at the weird pioneer lady sprinting after her screaming son who has a paper towel on his head.  You don't see that everyday!"