Thursday, July 3, 2008

Jason or Jesse?

I am way too into this season!  First let me say this... I LOVE JASON!

I have been a HUGE Jason fan from the very first night.  He is the sweetest and most sincere guy.  Plus, I love how much he loves Deanna and gets so excited to see her.  He has tons of energy and seems like he is in the best spot to get married.  He is also really cute with his son, and his son is very cute.  I totally think he will win, if not I am going to cry.

OK Steve, he is a total stud, I said it, BUT he is not ready for marriage.  I think that she thinks he is fun and exciting, but she has said it so many times... He is just not the type of guy she usually dates and I think she is also worried about where he is at in his life right now. 

So what do all of you think?  I need to know how everyone feels about this!!!!!!!!  And if you are one of the FEW people who are not totally into The Bachelorette, you are missing out!!!  One last thing that I need to say.  Jeremy; loved him!  However, he was a little on the boring side, and if your only connection with someone is that both of your parents died, it probably won't work out.  Plus, he was a little OCD.  Did you see his super organized house, that would send me running, and FAST!  One more thing (sorry, I could go on forever) GRAHAM, I am just NOT seeing it.  Everyone thinks he is so hot, and he just isn't to me.  Do you think people were looking at his body or his face.  If it was the body, then OK yeah, I am seeing it, but his face, ummm he is just so average looking.  PLUS, he is such a JERK!  However when Graham got kicked off, he whispered in Jason's ear "you're the one" (you had to replay it a few times to pick up on it) and that made me like him a little bit more, but just a little.  Sorry for the little rant!  I will stop now.

                                                 GO JASON!!!!!!

PS- I know that I am a total loser for caring so much about a reality TV show, just another example of what a total geek I am.


Dave Anderson said...

I haven't been watching, but going off of looks I'd have to say Jason. Jesse has ugly hair.

Kara said...

Got to say that i'm a big Jason fan too. I was scared that it was only going to be Jeremy, thought he was cook, but i'm totally with you! I really like Jesse, but he's not ready. So go Jason!!

Brooke Jesus said...

AMEN on the PS part!