Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I want you!

Please meet the new love of my life.  Well, at least I want it to be the love of my life.  We just met the other day at the shoe store, but I think that I speak for both of us when I say that it was love at first sight.

My eye met it's laces, and from there, I just couldn't keep my hands off of it.  I kept looking at it and putting it on my foot.  Let me just say that we fit each other perfectly!  We walked together and the more time that we had together, the deeper the love got.  I felt like I was walking on a cloud, or maybe even in the clouds.  I wanted to run away with it, but what would people think?  After all I was just there and brought home another shoe a month before.  Where was this beauty then?  

I wanted to take it home, but I didn't think that my husband would approve.  I was sure that I could talk him into letting my new love into the home, but I wasn't sure if he would like the financial responsibility of this high class love!  Surely once he saw how happy it made me he would surprise me with it, but that was last week, and still I wait.  I miss it.  I want to wear it again and go on a long, long run.  Just me and my love...

This story has a sad ending.  My husband refused to spare the $130 that I needed to keep this love affair going.  I am worried that some other person saw my shoe and took it home for them self, and we will be apart forever!  But, I have hope.  I know that someone out there loves me so much that they will find a way to reunite me with my love... forever.  

So... if you love me, if you want to love me, or even if you just feel sorry for me because I am a desperate fool, please find it in your heart to help me.  Maybe you were just sitting there thinking that you had some extra cash that you wanted to give to charity; well here I am.  Maybe you just won the lottery, or found some money in your pocket that you had forgotten about.  Maybe you found someones wallet, and you felt too guilty to spend the money, I don't; so bring it by.

Steve!  Remember when you got me those great running shoes for my Birthday last year and I was SO happy?  Remember how you gave them to me a little early?  I know that July is pretty early, but time goes by SO fast!  Before you know it my Birthday will be here.  Just think about it...

Someday I will have my love and we will be so happy, until then I will wait patiently.

***Just in case... Asics Gel Kinsei 2 Size 8.  I like the pink but any color would do.***  A girl can dream, right?

**** Also, if you would like me to write a love story about you and something you love, I would be happy to.  I only charge $130. ****


Hess Fam said...

Once again Brandi I think that you are a big dork!! your posts always make me laugh! Are you guys planning on camping in August?? you better be!

Mandy said...

You're hilarious! I think we could combine some of our crap lying around and have a little yard sale and put the proceeds towards your love affair. I'm okay with doing that.

I will donate my crap for your love.

That deserves a love letter doesn't it?