Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What is going on with us

Now that my blog is finally up and running, I am about to send the link to all of our friends and family to view.  I thought that this would be a good time to briefly describe what all of us are up to.

Steve is currently a Commercial Construction Superintendent for Ascent Construction.  He began working there in December, and he loves the job and the company.  Getting into Commercial Construction from Residential was a big move and one that he is glad he made.  He is currently working on a project West of Tooele.  They are building a big Titanium Plant out there.  It makes for a long commute, but fortunately they provided a company truck.  He is very excited about the project and is doing great.  He is also training to ride in LOTOJA, a bike race from Logan to Jackson Hole.  His brother asked him to do it, and while he does not necessarily enjoy road biking, he does it knowing that he will be a better mountain biker...his true passion.

I am currently home with the kids.  I spend my days cooking, cleaning, and driving kids around.   It is very glamorous!  I have been requesting a little convertible so that I can travel in style, but no luck yet.  I love to run, work in my yard, and sadly I am really excited that I am going to get a new lawnmower this summer!  I also enjoy helping Steve's Grandpa Johns' out on his website childnparent.com.  I really enjoy spending time with my family, and have enjoyed being un-employed.

Makenna is in 3rd grade.  It is hard to believe that she is that old.  She loves to draw and read, and of course chase and be chased by boys.  She is a wonderful swimmer, softball player, and kickball superstar!  Makenna has been babysitting the boys a little and does a great job.  She is always coming up with new ways to surprise us and make us laugh.  She is also starting a new girls club for the summer.  She is charging $1 to come, and is excited to earn some extra money.

Carson is in pre-school and excited about going to Kindergarten next year.  He and Makenna will be going to a new Charter School in our area, and they are really excited about it.  Carson is very smart and has learned to read, write, and spell.  He is also into baseball, and loves hanging out with friends.  The first thing he says each day is, "who can I play with."  He also is VERY good at riding his bike and likes to ride everyday.  He wants to be the fastest kid in the neighborhood.  

Coren is excited that he gets to go to pre-school next year.  He is very ready.  Coren has more energy than anyone I have ever known.  He is amazing at putting puzzles together, and has even done some 100 piece puzzles on his own.  He is a daredevil and is always climbing and jumping.  He wants a motorcycle really bad, which scares me.  He makes us laugh and is full of surprises.

So that is us...exciting people aren't we?


Mandy said...

Elle and I fight over the computer because she wants to see the pictures every day of your kids. She's loving your blog as much as I am!